Yoga is good for kids.

little girl in closed eyes sitting with crossed legs while practicing yoga meditation in the park

Yoga is a mind-body discipline that has been around for centuries. It focuses on breathing, poses and meditation. The benefits of yoga are numerous, ranging from increased body awareness and flexibility to reduced stress and mental clarity. Did you know that yoga can also benefit children?


Experts believe that yoga helps children prepare for the challenges of everyday life. Christina Enneking is the founder of Heart Happy Yoga in Los Gatos. She says that it introduces values such as truthfulness, non-harming and cleanliness. Yoga is also associated with improved academic performance, self-discovery and inquisitiveness.


It’s not surprising that yoga is being integrated into gym classes, and after-school programming across the nation! Yoga can be done anywhere, without a personal trainer or expensive equipment.


Do you wonder if your child is ready to start a regular yoga practice? Continue reading to learn about the benefits of kids’ yoga and why you don’t have to be an adults to do a tree position.


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Yoga Builds Self-Esteem

Shana Meyerson is the founder of mini-yogis in Southern California, which offers yoga classes for children. She believes that yoga helps build self-esteem and respect. She says that a child’s yoga class is a unique opportunity for them to play and concentrate without fear of being wrong.

Enneking says that yoga is a great way to build a solid foundation for the future. It teaches children to be persistent, patient and to work towards their goals. Yoga teachers can provide instruction to children, but they will know that they have worked hard when they achieve a new technique or pose. This will give them a boost in confidence and improve their self-esteem.


A child’s yoga session is a unique opportunity for them to play and concentrate without having to worry about doing something wrong.


Yoga improves flexibility and strength

Yoga helps kids develop physical strength, motor coordination and teaches them to use their muscles differently. According to American Academy of Pediatrics “whether you are standing, lying, or sitting down, every pose can challenge different muscle groups.” A child will also become more aware of their body’s functions.


In one study, 6- to 8 year-olds were followed for 12 weeks by a yoga teacher who practiced twice weekly, 45 minute sessions, every week. The study found that children “demonstrated positive and significant changes in their overall motor abilities (balance strength and flexibility). 1


Athletes can boost their performance through yoga

Are you interested in sports like soccer, football, or swimming? Yoga can actually help athletes excel at other sports. The AAP states that “yoga helps runners strengthen and stretch their hips, legs and Achilles tendon” when they practice it. Baseball players are known to strengthen their upper body and arms. Gymnasts improve flexibility, balance and concentration.


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Yoga Improves Balance and Coordination

Yoga also helps kids develop coordination. This trait is closely related to their overall dexterity with gross and fine motor skills. Yoga also teaches children to be coordinated. This is related to their overall dexterity, which includes gross motor skills.


Yoga Improves concentration and focus

Yoga encourages kids to focus on the task at hand, whether they are maintaining a posture or breathing deeply. Children learn to concentrate on the task in hand. Studies have linked yoga to better memory3 and improved concentration4–traits that are important for academic success.


Students who practice yoga perform better in school

Researchers found that students with lower levels of stress performed better in school. The ability of yoga to decrease anxiety, and boost problem solving skills could also be a factor.


A second study found that yoga could improve “executive function”–what the researchers call “the cognitive control functions required when you need to concentrate and think when acting on an impulse would be unwise.” For example, “creativity and flexibility, self control, and discipline.” ” 6 These abilities are vital to success at school, in the workplace, and in other areas of life.


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Yoga strengthens the mind-body connection

Kids can achieve a healthy mind and body through yoga. As parents, we wish for our children to behave and act with mindfulness , compassion, courage, love, happiness and inner peace. Alexandra De Collibus is a yoga instructor and founder of Sweet Pea Yoga.


De Collibus adds, “As the modern world moves so fast, children feel a lot of pressure to keep up. This can be personal, parental or social.” She says that yoga is a way to relieve stress and help develop a resilient, resourceful mind, body and spirit.


Yoga Promotes Stress Management

In addition to relaxation techniques and breathing exercises, yoga also incorporates stretching. One study found that a 10-week program of yoga was implemented in second and third grade classrooms, with results showing improved behavior and lower cortisol levels.


Did You Know?

The AAP recommends Yoga to children who are dealing with mental, physical and behavioral conditions.”

Yoga Might Improve ADHD Symptoms

The AAP ” suggests yoga to children who are dealing with mental, emotional, physical and behavioral conditions, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD). Yoga can improve the school performance of those with ADHD.


One study found that “yoga exercise suggests an improvement in the core symptoms of ADHD” such as “inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, anxiety and cognitive functions. ” 8 A study that followed children with ADHA aged 6 to 11 years who started a regular yoga practice reported “remarkable improvement in their school performance which was sustained throughout the entire year.” 9


Yoga Can Help Children with Autism

A study published in American Journal of Occupational Therapy aimed to evaluate the effects of a classroom yoga program of 16 weeks on children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The results? Researchers found that daily yoga in the classroom had a positive impact on classroom behavior. The children also showed improvement in anxiety, social withdrawal and levels of aggression.

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